图片转自IAS官网 。上图是普林斯顿高等研究院外景,下图是爱因斯坦位于高等研究院附近的家,他与犹太难民小孩在一起。

普林斯顿高等研究院(Institute for Advanced Study,下文简称IAS)是全球领先的基础研究机构。自1930年成立至今,普林斯顿高等研究院邀访超过8000名历史学家、数学家、自然科学家和社会科学家进行驻院研究,在全球范围内产生惊人的学术影响力。众所周知,爱因斯坦晚年有22年时间生活在高等研究院。杨振宁回忆录《读书教学三十年》对其与爱因斯坦在高等研究院的交往有详细的记录。另外数学界菲尔兹奖得主、法国新生代数学家Cédric Villani在其公开日记《一个定理的诞生:我与菲尔茨奖的一千个日夜》中,也详尽记叙驻访高等研究院的经历,包括如何与同行进行数学攻关并最终做出突破性的研究工作。

高等研究院官网展示其创始人Abraham Flexner制定的学术宗旨——“本机构承诺召集一批科学家和研究者,他们可以同其学生和助手一起致力于超越目前人类知识的极限任务,并训练那些可以在这个意义上攻坚下去的人。




  • 2020-2021 Political Mobilizations and Social Movements 政治动员与社会运动

  • 2020-2021 Science and the State 科学与国家

  • 2019-2020 Economy and Society 经济与社会

  • 2018-2019 Crisis and Critique 危机与批判

  • 2017-2018 The Social Sciences in a Changing World 变迁世界中的社会科学

  • 2016-2017 Law and the Social Sciences 法律和社会科学

  • 2015-2016 Borders and Boundaries 国界与边界

  • 2014-2015 Egalitarianisms 诸种精英主义

  • 2013-2014 The Environmental Turn and the Human Sciences 环境转向与人文科学

  • 2012-2013 Economics and Politics 经济与政治

  • 2011-2012 Morals and Moralities 道德与道德体系

  • 2010-2011 Secularism 世俗主义

  • 2009-2010 The Dewey Seminar: Education, Schools and the State 杜威研讨会:教育、学校与国家

  • 2008-2009 Social Norms and Cooperation 社会规范与合作

  • 2007-2008 The Rule of Law Under Pressure 压力下的法治

  • 2006-2007 The ‘Third World’ Now 当前的第三世界

  • 2005-2006 Psychology and Economics 心理学与经济学

  • 2004-2005 Interdisciplinarity and Its Objects 科际整合及其对象

  • 2001-2004 Ethics and the Social Sciences: Present Directions 种族与社会科学:当前的方向

  • 2003-2004 The Social Implications of Bioethics 生命伦理学的社会意义

  • 2002-2003 Politics and Ethics: The Case of Corruption 政治与种族:腐败的个案

  • 2001-2002 Economics and Business Questions 经济学与商业问题

  • 2000-2001 Information Technology 信息科技

  • 1997-2000 Globalization and the Different Kinds of Local Resistance to It: A Three-Year Program 全球化及其形形色色的地方抵抗:一项三年期计划

  • 1999-2000 Universalism of Human Rights 人权的普遍主义

  • 1998-1999 Political Economy 政治经济学

  • 1997-1998 Cultural Globalization 文化全球化

  • 1993-1997 Transitions: A Four-Year Program 各种转型:一项四年期计划

  • 1996-1997 Development of “Interpretive Social Science” “解释性社会科学”的发展

  • 1995-1996 Modernization and Its Discontents 现代化及其不足

  • 1994-1995 Traveling Reform Movements: Feminism and Environmentalism 流变的改革运动:女权主义与环保主义

  • 1993-1994 Politics 政治

  • 1990-1993 New Perspectives on Social Science and Humanities Scholarship: A Three-Year Program 社会科学与人文学科的新视角:一项三年期计划

  • 1992-1993 Philosophy and Sociology of Science 哲学与科学社会学

  • 1991-1992 Ethics, Politics and Law 伦理、政治与法律

  • 1990-1991 Philosophy of History 历史哲学

  • 1987-1990 Group Identities: A Three-Year Program 群体认同:一项三年期计划

  • 1989-1990 National Identity in Post-Colonial Third World States 后殖民第三世界国家的国族认同

  • 1988-1989 Political Revival of Ethnicity and Religion 种族与宗教的政治复兴

  • 1987-1988 Gender 性别

  • 1984-1987 Interpretive Social Science: A Three-Year Program 解释性社会科学:一项三年期计划

  • 1986-1987 Research Methods in Interpretive Social Science 解释性社会科学的研究方法

  • 1985-1986 Social Experience of Equality and Inequality 平等与不平等的社会经验

  • 1984-1985 The Life History of the Individual 个体生活史

  • 1983-1984 Toward a Broader Economics 迈向边界更开阔的经济学

  • 1982-1983 Social and Cognitive Psychology 社会与认知心理学

  • 1979-1982 Self-Perception, Mutual Perception and Historical Development (This 3-year focus, jointly organized by the SSS and SHS, and funded by the Mellon Foundation, ran concurrently with the individual theme years.) 自我认知、相互认知和历史发展(这个为期三年的研讨会由IAS的社会科学院和历史研究院联合举办,由梅隆基金会资助,与个别主题年同期举行)

  • 1981-1982 Problems in Political Philosophy 政治哲学的问题

  • 1980-1981 The Comparative Impact of Colonial Regimes on the Newly Independent Countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America 殖民政权对亚非拉新独立国家的比较研究

  • 1979-1980 The Sociology of Art 艺术社会学

  • 1978-1979 New Trends in Economic Thought 经济思想的新趋势

  • 1977-1978 Problems of Advanced Capitalist Societies 发达资本主义社会问题

  • 1976-1977 The Sociology of Science 科学社会学

  • 1975-1976 The Analysis of Symbolic Structures 符号结构分析

  • 1974-1975 The Social, Economic and Political Development of Latin America 拉丁美洲的社会、经济和政治发展

  • 1973-1974 Islamic Societies 各种伊斯兰社会


  • Miroslawa Grabowska:社会家和政治学家(The Sociologies and the Politician)

  • John Orr:战后美国社会的小说与大众文化(Fiction and Mass Culture in Post-War American Society)

  • Mark S. Granovetter: 解决收入不平等问题的社会学和经济学方法(Sociological and Economic Approaches to Income Inequality)

  • David Grazian:大都会动物园与自然文化( Metropolitan Zoos and the Culture of Nature)

  • John Padgett:文艺复兴时期佛罗伦萨政治、经济和社会网络的共同演变(Co-evolution of Political, Economic and Social Networks in Renaissance Florence, 1282-1512)

  • Liah V. Greenfeld:民族主义:现代实在的起源(Nationalism: The Origins of Modern Reality)

  • Angel Adams Parham:路易斯安那州圣多明戈/海地的遗产: 种族、记忆和家族史(Legacies of St. Domingue/Haiti in Louisiana: Race, Memory, and Family History)

  • Wendy Griswold:美国文化地域主义(American Cultural Regionalism)

  • Ari Adut:1793-1794的恐慌: 不信任的悲剧(The Terror, 1793-4: A Tragedy of Distrust)

  • Rhacel Salazar Parreñas:何为不自由的劳工?新加坡和阿联酋的移工(What is Unfree Labor? Migrant Domestic Workers in Singapore and the United Arab Emirates)

  • Silvia Pasquetti:公民和难民: 以色列城市和约旦河西岸难民营的控制、情感和政治(Citizens and Refugees: Control, Emotions, and Politics in Israeli Cities and West Bank Camps)

  • Orlando Patterson:奴隶制与奴隶社会理论: 比较研究(The Theory of Slavery and Slave Society: Comparative Study)

  • Akbar S. Ahmed:部落社会结构与组织(Tribal Social Structure and Organization)

  • Charles M. Payne:脆弱的胜利: 将城市学校的改善推向规模(Fragile Victories: Bringing Urban School Improvement to Scale)

  • Mauro F. Guillén:发展差异: 阿根廷、韩国和西班牙的组织、全球化与发展(Developing Difference: Organizations, Globalization, and Development in Argentina, South Korea, and Spain)

  • Jeffrey C. Alexander:水门事件与公民社会危机(Watergate and the Crisis of Civil Society)

  • Amín Pérez:布迪厄论帝国: 后殖民社会学的根基(Bourdieu on Empire: The Foundation of a Postcolonial Sociology)

  • Charles Perrow:社会组织的出现(Emergence of a Society of Organizations)

  • Bernhard Peters:当代西方社会公民、社区和法律认同观念的转变(Changing Concepts of Citizenship, Community and Legal Identity in Contemporary Western Societies)

  • Barbara Anderson:19世纪俄国人口史(Demographic History of 19th-Century Russia)

  • Andrew Pickering:科学知识的社会学(Sociology of Scientific Knowledge)

  • Angel L. Harris:青少年社会责任感与学校教育(Perceptions of Opportunity and Schooling among Adolescents)

  • Alessandro Pizzorono:关于国家的交换理论和多元理论(Exchange Theory, Pluralist Theory of the State)

  • Said A. Arjomand:伊朗的国家、宗教和革命(State, Religion and Revolution in Iran)

  • Eric Ashby:英美大学的比较研究(Comparative Study of American and English Universities)

  • Jeffrey Prager:美国价值观与种族包容(American Values and Racial Inclusion)

  • Paul Attewell:另外的75%群体: 政府政策与大众高等教育(The Other 75%: Government Policy and Mass Higher Education)

  • Geoffrey P. Hawthorn:反事实与可能的社会世界: 印度乡村(Counterfactuals and Possible Social Worlds: Rural India)

  • Giovanna Procacci:19世纪法国社会治理中的贫困政府(Government of Poverty in 19th-Century France)

  • Rowena Xiaoqing He:中国崛起与留学生的民族主义(A Rising China and Chinese Student Nationalism Abroad)

  • Johan Heilbron:全球化时代的社会科学(The Social Sciences in a Globalizing Age)

  • Arvind Rajagopal: 印度全球化背景下的非承诺选民、新兴市场与政治重组(Non-committed Voters, Emerging Markets, and the Reconfiguration of Politics in the Wake of Globalization in India)

  • Elbaki Hermassi:阿拉伯语世界的国家建设问题(Problems of Nation-Building in the Arab-Speaking World)

  • Barry Barnes:自然科学社会学和历史学研究(Sociological and Historical Studies of the Natural Sciences)

  • Karen Hermassi:悲剧戏剧与国家形成的关系研究(Study of Tragic Drama and its Relation to State Formation)

  • Ava Baron:男性工作和妇女问题: 性别转变和印刷业工作,1830-1920(Men’s Work and the Woman Question: The Transformation of Gender and Work in the Printing Industry,1830-1920)

  • Niels Reeh:1700年至今丹麦小学的宗教教学(The Teaching of Religion in the Danish Elementary Schools from 1700 until Today)

  • Jonathan Rieder:美国政治社会学中的道德论证: 正义激情的社会组织(Moral Argument in American Politics: The Social Organization of Righteous Passion)

  • Robert N. Bellah:日本和美国的宗教比较(Comparative Religion, Japan and the United States)

  • John Holmwood:作为公共理性问题的平等与不平等(Equality and Inequality as a Problem of Public Reason)

  • David Riesman:美国的社会变迁与教育(Social Change and Education in the U.S.)

  • Joseph Ben-David:社会学与科学史(Sociology and History of Science)

  • M. Keith Hopkins:罗马帝国社会资源动员(Resource Mobilization in the Roman Empire)

  • Reinhard Bendix:社会分层(Social Stratification)

  • Mabel Berezin:安全危机: 欧洲的民粹主义、民族主义与民主威胁(Security Crises: Populism, Nationalism and Threats to Democracy in Europe)

  • Elizabeth Popp Berman:Thinking Like an Economist: The Normative Impact of a Positive Science on U.S. Public Policy(像经济学家一样思考: 实证科学对美国公共政策的规范性影响)

  • Toby E. Huff:伊斯兰教的科学,信仰和理性(Science, Faith, and Rationality in Islam)

  • Claude Rosental:示威活动的历史社会学(An Historical Sociology of Forms of Demonstration)

  • Elizabeth Bernstein:经纪人控制的主体: 性、贩卖和自由政治(Brokered Subjects: Sex, Trafficking, and the Politics of Freedom)

  • Daniel Bertaux:通过生活史重新定位社会流动研究(Reorientation of Social Mobility Research through Life Histories)

  • Céline Bessière:家族世袭政府: 家族司法如何加剧法国的财富不平等(The Patrimonial Government of Families: How Family Justice Contributes to Wealth Inequality in France)

  • Gurminder Bhambra:比较历史社会学(Comparative Historical Sociology)

  • Eiko Ikegami:驯服武士: 荣誉、侵略控制与国家建立(The Taming of Samurai: Honor, Aggression Control and State-Making)

  • Ian Roxborough:美国军事战略家世界观中的第三世界(The Third World in the Worldview of American Military Strategists)

  • Eva Illouz:情感真实性的后规范批判(A Post-Normative Critique of Emotional Authenticity)

  • James Rule:社会学的理论与进展(Theory and Progress in Sociology)

  • Norman Birnbaum:现代社会思想中的马克思主义遗产(The Marxist Legacy in Modern Social Thought)

  • Alex Inkeles:经济发展的社会学,世界社会结构(Sociology of Economic Development, World Social Structures)

  • Michael J. Rustin:莎士比亚戏剧的社会心理分析(Psychoanalytical and Sociological Aspects of Shakespeare’s Plays)

  • Joseph Blasi:俄罗斯从共产制到私有制的社会转型(The Social Transition from Communism to Privatization in Russia)

  • Rahel Jaeggi:生命形式的危机、社会转型与侵蚀(Crisis, Social Transformation and the Erosion of Forms of Life)

  • Charles F. Sabel:政治经济学(Political Economy)

  • Johanna K. Bockman:社会主义的全球化(Socialist Globalizations)

  • Luc Boltanski:批判感的社会学(The Sociology of the Critical Sense)

  • Christopher Jencks:社会经济平等与经济增长(Economic Equality and Economic Growth)

  • Charles Bosk:在日本重新定义亲属义务:衰老身体与活体肾脏捐赠研究(Aging Bodies and the Redefinition of Kinship Obligations Through Live Kidney Donation in Japan)

  • Charles Bosk:官方伦理专家: 生物伦理学的制度化(Official Ethics Experts: The Institutionalization of Bioethics)

  • Pierre Bourdieu:象征性商品的社会经济(Economy of Symbolic Goods)

  • Erwin K. Scheuch:工业国家的比较社会结构研究(Comparative Social Structures in Industrial Countries)

  • Moon-Kie Jung:种族主义的去自然化(Denaturalizing Racism)

  • Dominique Schnapper:印度、中国、英国、法国、澳大利亚和美国的犹太社区(Jewish Communities in India, China, England, France, Australia and the United States)

  • Jason Schnittker:人群疾病的社会学和遗传学(The Sociology and Genetics of Disease in Human Populations)

  • Fritz H. E. Schütze:社会学的传记分析(Sociological Biography Analysis)

  • Jerome Karabel:从布拉格之春到改革: 东欧知识分子与共产主义的崩溃(From the Prague Spring to Perestroika: Intellectuals in Eastern Europe and the Breakdown of Communism)

  • David Karen:民主重要吗(Does Democracy Matter?)

  • Richard Sennett:城市家庭(Urban Sociology)

  • Michel Callon:整合技术科学的社会学研究和技术变革的经济学研究: 社会技术网络的动态分析(Integrating a Sociology of Technosciences and an Economics of Technical Change: The Dynamic Analysis of Socio-Technical Networks)

  • Allan Sharlin:历史社会学,历史人口学(Historical Sociology, Historical Demography)

  • Jaeeun Kim: 寻求庇护,寻找上帝: 当代美国基于宗教理由的寻求庇护与应得性政治(Seeking Asylum, Finding God: Asylum-Seeking on Religious Grounds and the Politics of Deservingness in Contemporary America)

  • Allan Silver:友谊机构的历史社会学(Historical Sociology of Friendship Institutions)

  • Hilary Silver:社会排斥与社会团结(Social Exclusion and Social Solidarity)

  • Carmen J. Sirianni:工作、时间与平等(Work, Time and Equality)

  • Theda Skocpol:美国政治及其新政中的复苏与改革局限(U.S. Politics and the Limits of Recovery and Reform in the New Deal)

  • Karin Knorr-Cetina:全球金融市场的结构与社会组织(The Architecture and Social Organization of Global Financial Markets)

  • Hae Yeon Choo:民主公民的悖论: 韩国的土地所有权政治(The Paradox of Democratic Citizenship: The Politics of Land Ownership in South Korea)

  • Martin Kohli:社会制度的生命历程(The Life-course of a Social Institution)

  • Nitsan Chorev:全球外围的制药产业(Pharmaceuticals in the Global Periphery)

  • Willfried Spohn:比较视野中的德意志帝国社会宗教与工人阶级的形成(Religion and Working-Class Formation in Imperial Germany 1871-1914 in Comparative Perspective)

  • Paul Starr:社会理论: 公私区分、记忆的社会组织(Social Theory: Public-Private Distinction, Social Organization of Memory)

  • Kristoffer Kropp:制造欧洲: 社会科学的贡献(Producing Europe: The Contribution of the Social Sciences)

  • Patricia Ticineto Clough:奇美拉计划(The Chimera Project)

  • George Steinmetz:变化世界中的社会科学(The Social Sciences in a Changing World)

  • Daniel Aldana Cohen:街头抗议: 21世纪城市的不平等和气候变化(Street Fight: Inequality and Climate Change in the 21st Century City)

  • Krishan Kumar:国家、帝国和身份(Nations, Empires, and Identities)

  • Stephen Cole:社会对科学知识评价的影响(Social Influences on the Evaluation of Scientific Knowledge)

  • Michéle Lamont:跨国社会排斥: 法国和美国的种族、阶级和文化(Exclusion Across Nations: Race, Class, and Culture in France and the United States)

  • Thomas Streeter:人格、法律和通信技术: 互联网商业化的意义(Personhood, Law and Communication Technology: Making Sense of (and with) Internet Commercialization)

  • Randall Collins:科学历史 / 比较社会学(Historical/Comparative Sociology of Science)

  • Jacques Leenhardt:19世纪法国艺术与文学的社会学研究(Sociology of Art and Literature in 19th-Century France)

  • Gérard Lemaine:科学社会学,智力的本质(Sociology of Science, Nature of Intelligence)

  • Anna Sun:世俗与宗教之外的社会: 儒学在当代中国的复兴(Beyond the Secular and the Religious: The Revival of Confucianism in Contemporary China)

  • Gertrud Lenzer:知识社会学(Sociology of Knowledge)

  • Wolf Lepenies:18世纪以来科学之间关系的变化(Changing Relations Between the Sciences Since the 18th Century)、英法德三国的文学与社会科学知识份子(Literary and Social-Scientific Intelligentsia in England, France and Germany)、社会学理论需要什么才能成为一场社会运动(What Does a Sociological Theory Need to Become a Social Movement?)、高估文化:德国政治的困境(Overestimating Culture: The Predicament of German Politics)

  • M. Rainer Lepsius:魏玛共和国的政治和社会崩溃(Political and Social Breakdown of the Weimar Republic)

  • Judith Surkis:丑闻主题: 法国和法属阿尔及利亚的亲密和猥亵行为(Scandalous Subjects: Intimacy and Indecency in France and French Algeria, 1830-1930)

  • Kazuko Suzuki:种族拓扑学: 超越西方范式的“种族”(Topology of Race: “Race” Beyond the Western Paradigm)

  • Diana Crane:文化社会学: 科学,艺术和宗教(Sociology of Culture: Science, Art, and Religion)

  • Roumen Daskalov:18世纪知识分子的崛起(Rise of the Intelligentsia, 18th Century)

  • Roumen Daskalov:巴尔干地区的现代化意义和经验(Meanings and Experiences of Modernization on the Balkans)

  • Juan J. Linz:政治社会学,西班牙社会与政治(Political Sociology, Spanish Society and Politics)

  • Joseph E. Davis:精神药理学与精神疾病的扩散(Psychopharmacology and the Expansion of Mental Illness)

  • Sida Liu:中国律师行动主义的生态学(The Ecology of Lawyer Activism in China)

  • Raymond De Vries:生物伦理学的崛起: 一个新职业的形式和实质(The Ascendance of Bioethics: The Form and Substance of a New Profession)

  • Chitralekha Dhamija:自反性激进主义: 绘制克什米尔新军事主义地图(Reflexive Radicalism: Mapping the New Militancy in Kashmir)

  • Paul DiMaggio:文化社会学的认知研究(Cognitive Approach to the Sociology of Culture)

  • Michael Donnelly:19世纪欧洲社会统计学文化(The Culture of Social Statistics in 19th Century Europe)

  • Ronald P. Dore:英国和日本劳资关系的社会影响(Social Implications of Worker-Management Relations in the United Kingdom and Japan)

  • Greta Wagner:危机时刻帮助社会: 团结与慈善的规范性(Helping in Times of Crisis: The Normativity of Solidarity and Charity)

  • R. Stephen Warner:信仰的共同体: 今日美国宗教论文集( Communities of Faith: An Essay on Religion in the U.S. Today)

  • Susan Cotts Watkins:现代社会人口统一化趋势(The Tendency toward Demographic Uniformity in Modern Societies)

  • Margaret Watson:Gender and Globalisation: Understanding the Implications of Change in Eastern Europe(性别与全球化: 理解东欧变化的意义)

  • Lenore J. Weitzman:无过失离婚的社会意义考察(An Examination of the Social Meaning on No-Fault Divorce)

  • Niza Yanay:集体仇恨的运作(The Workings of Collective Hatred)

  • Nicholas C. Mullins:科学社会学(Sociology of Science)

  • Laure Murat:第三性(The Third Sex)

  • Viviana Zelizer:支付与社会关系( Payments and Social Ties)

  • Mohamed Nachi:伊斯兰理论的司法(Islamic Theories of Justice)
